

After more than five years since his last solo release, veteran guitarist Bruce Kulick returns in 2010 with BK3, an album guaranteed to surprise even longtime fans.
Bruce, who first gained notoriety as a member of Meat Loaf's Bat Out Of Hell touring band, may be best known for his twelve years (1984-1996) as lead guitarist of KISS, during which time he appeared on nine gold, two platinum and one multi-platinum KISS albums. It is, however, the wealth of experience he has gained in his 13 post-KISS years that shines through on BK3. The album takes listeners for quite a ride over its twelve songs...from the frenetic and anger-fuelled "Fate" (co-written by Kevin Churko, known for his work with Ozzy Osbourne) to the philosophical and uplifting "Life."  Never one to mind sharing the spotlight with other talented musicians, Kulick invited several guest artists to appear on BK3, including Gene Simmons of KISS on the anthemic "Ain’t Gonna Die ," Doug Fieger (lead vocalist of The Knack) on the soon-to-be pop classic "Dirty Girl," Tobias Sammett (EdGuy, Avantasia) and Eric Singer (KISS) on the fierce "I'm The Animal ", Nick Simmons (son of Gene) on "Hand of the King", former Union cohort John Corabi on the moody "No Friend Of Mine," and guitar legend Steve Lukather (Toto) on the exciting instrumental "Between The Lines." 


Esce oggi in Europa l'attesissimo terzo lavoro di Bruce Kulick BK3.

Un disco che vi stupirà per l'eccezionale lavoro compositivo e per l'incredibile lista di guest star che hanno contribuito alla realizzazione di BK3, a partire da Gene Simmons e suo figlio Nick, per passare ad Eric Singer, Steve Lukather (Toto), John Corabi, Doug Fieger e Tobias Sammett. Vi ricordo acnhe che oggi è l'ultimo giorno per partecipare al BK3 contest con in palio ben tre CD di Bruce!!!


PAUL STANLEY: BOOM TIMES (by Alan Di Perna, photo by Travis Shinn)
Kissonline.com presented today an interesting interview counducted by Alan Di Perna with Paul. The interview was originally published in Guitar World, Holiday 2009.

The whole interview may be read at this location

Here a sum up of the Stanley's vision of KISS today
"I think the band has become iconic in that the identities of our four characters transcend the music. We’re certainly a band first and foremost, and that’s what’s important to me. Yet, just on a purely visual level, you can bring a photo of Kiss anywhere in the world, show it to someone and they’ll tell you it’s Kiss, whether or not they’re familiar with the music. We seem to have diversified in so many ways. But still, to me, the core of it is about the music. And that’s what Sonic Boom gets back to—the music."


Sul sito Guitar World è riportata una interessante intervista a Paul, fatta lo scorso ottobre. Questa è la visione dei KISS oggi secondo Paul

"Penso che la band è diventata un'icona in quanto l'identità dei nostri quattro personaggi trascendono la musica. Siamo sicuramente una band in primo luogo, e questo è ciò che è importante per me. Eppure, proprio su un livello puramente visivo, puoi fare vedere una foto dei Kiss in tutto il mondo, e chiunque ti dirà che sono i Kiss, anche se non ha familiarità con la musica. Sembra che ci siamo allargati su molti fronti. Ma ancora, per me, il nocciolo di tutto è la musica. Ed è quello che Sonic Boom è, il ritorno alla musica."



BK3 release party at the Cat Club on February 1st will have the Family Jewels crew filming  the Nick and Bruce performance of Hand Of The King (first single from BK3).Needless to say Gene will be there too, and with Eric Singer expected (being on the cd) and Paul Stanley being invited by Bruce what if a Revenge line up will hit the stage??

BE there if you can!!!


Il party di lancio di BK3 di Bruce Kulick vedrà una mini reunion dei KISS di Revenge?

Data per certa la troupe di Family Jewels è facilmante auspicabile che oltre a Nick Simmons ci sarà anche Gene. Eric è probabile che ci sia dato il suo conivolgimento nel lavoro di Bruce e Paul Stanley è stato invitato dallo stesso Bruce...per cui...


A company that controls photos and posters of the rock group Kiss is suing to stop the sale of a book with pictures of the performers. Kiss Catalog Ltd. says trademarks are being violated by "Vintage Kiss Photos: 1974-1981." The lawsuit names Marc Scallatino of Blackwood, N.J., and photographer Janet Macoska of Cleveland.Kiss Catalog, based in New York, is asking a judge to shut down vintagekissphotos.com. More


Kiss Catalog Ltd., la società che detiene i diritti sulle fotografie ed immagini dei KISS ha avviato una pratica legale per porre fine alla vendite del libro Vintage Kiss Photos:1974-1981. Sembra che le foto contenute nel libro non appaertengano di fatto agli autori, Marc Scallatino e Janet Macoska.


Ace Frehley will tour Australia in February and  United States in March.
Feb. 1 Perth, Australia - Metropolis Fremantle
Feb. 4 Adelaide, Australia - HQ Complex
Feb. 5 Melbourne, Australia - Palace Theater
Feb. 7 Sydney, Australia - Enmore Theatre
Feb. 8 Brisbane QLD, Australia - Brisbane Tivoli Theatre

March.19 Uncasville, CT - Mohegan Sun Casino Wolf Den
March. 20 Atlantic City, NJ - House of Blues
March. 21 New York, NY - Nokia Times Square
For ticket infos& sales click here and here



Great shows and events in the coming days in Italy, the countdown to May 18th is begun!!!


In attesa del grande evento del 18 Maggio ecco alcuni assaggi delle più grandi Cover/tribute Bands Italiane nei prossimi giorni.

26 gennaio 2010 22.30
X-Ray Pub Via Forlanini,1 Forlì


30 Gennaio 2010 20.00
Mac2 Rock Live Club Viale Dell'Industria 185 Schio (VI)

Le KISSEXY saranno anche in televisione su Deejay TV (ex All Music) nel progarmma Nientology questo Giovedì alle 23:30.

6 Febbraio 2010 22.00
Il Blocco MusicHall San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR)



On Monday, January 25, legendary rock band KISS and “I’m a Pepper” ad icon David Naughton are teaming up with Dr Pepper Snapple Group CEO Larry Young to ring The Closing Bell® at the New York Stock Exchange in celebration of the 125th Anniversary of Dr Pepper – America’s oldest major soft drink. More


I KISS suoneranno The Closing Bell® al New York Stock Exchange oggi per festeggiare i 125 anni della bevenda Dr Pepper.Video




Bruce Kulick is about to unleashed a monster! His new album “BK3″ arrives in stores on February 2nd, 2010 [January 29th in Europe], and it is fantastic! Bruce was kind enough to grant an exclusive PodKISSt interview, packed with insights and info about this great new album. Plus, you’ll hear the new single “Hand of the King” courtesy of Bruce!


Another cool interview with Bruce may be found at KISSMaskwebzine



KISS is rumored to guest some TV shows in Europe on Ferburary to promote their forthcoming Sonic Boom Over Europe Tour. According to this video KISS will be on the German show "Wetten, dass"; it's rumored KISS will play live in the studio two or more songs , more infos to come in the next days..


I KISS dovrebbero compiere un breve tour promozionale in alcuni shows televisisvi in Europa il prossimo mese per promuovere il Sonic Boom Over Europe Tour. Secondo questo video sarebbe già certa la loro apparizione in Germania nel programma "Wetten, dass"; si vociferea che suoneranno live negli studi televisivi due o più pezzi, presto maggiori informazioni.


ACE FREHLEY DOWN UNDER TOUR TRAILER (from kissarmyaustralia.com)

Ace will tour Australia next month, here the video trailer


Today the best frontman in the world turns 58. DeuceNews wishes Paul Stanley a rocking b-day!!

Oggi il più grande frontman del mondo compie 58 anni. DeuceNews augura a Paul Stanley un rocckeggiante compleanno!!!



Finally it's Italy's turn!!!The poster you've been waiting  for is on the streets!!!The KISS fever is getting higher and higher!!!


Finalmente e' arrivato il turno dell'Italia!! I poster che stavate aspettando finalmente sono in strada!! La febbre dei KISS sta salendo sempre di piu'!!


Finally it's Italy's turn!!!The posters you've been waiting  for are on the streets!!!The KISS fever is getting higher and higher!!!


Finalmente e' arrivato il turno dell'Italia!! I poster che stavate aspettando finalmente sono in strada!! La febbre dei KISS sta salendo sempre di piu'!!


NAMM 2010: NEW AXE BASS AND MORE (from kisskollectoronline)

Here some photos courtesy reporter/photographer Rutger de Groot who's attending the NAMM show in Anaheim. The new Gene Simmons Axe Bass (available in March) will be sold by Cort, with a street price that's just under $ 500. For more details on the chipper version of the Axe Bass you may read this interview with Paul Hayeland

Ecco le prime foto dal NAMM Show. La versione economica del Axe Bass di Gene Simmons (di cui potete leggere nell'intervista a Paul Hayeland) sarà in vendita da marzo ed il retail price sarà intorno ai $500.



"These two signed (signed by me and the members of the group), limited edition, large scale fine art prints (not lithos) are now finally available through the official KISS Online Store! These prints made from my original artwork of Sonic Boom and Rock and Roll Over are the best incarnations you will ever see of my art for these two iconic KISS releases.
I have digitally redone my orignal art for Rock and Roll Over (after 30+ years the original original art is long gone), and so now it’s cleaner and crisper than ever before. The art for Sonic Boom was digitally created to begin with and so enlarges to the 20" size perfectly.

As the creator of these two pieces I am very critical of print quality, but suffice it to say that when I saw the final proofs of these two pieces I was blown away by the color intensity and the quality. Order yours before they’re gone!"

Click on the pics to order

Solo 250 copie delle riproduzioni digitali in altissima qualità sono state stampate ed autografate sia da Michael Doret che dai KISS.

La qualità di queste stampe a detta di chi le ha viste (Michael in primis) è strabiliante, non perdete questa occasione per arricchire la vostra KISS collezione.

Amber Shannon and Gene at the City of Hope dinner
Amber Shannon and Gene at the City of Hope dinner



Most of you may recall the "nice" debate Gene and Bob had last year at the Canadian Music week...(see video below)  Yesterday from Bob twitter account: "Gene Simmons is sitting right behind me at the City of Hope dinner. I'm not saying hi." and by the photo here Gene doesn't seem too sad about it!!!


Molti di voi si ricoderanno del "simpatico" diverbio tra Gene e Bob lo scorso anno al Canadian Music week...(video sotto)Ieri Bob scrive "Gene Simmons è seduto dietro di me a cena al City of Hope dinner. Di certo non lo saluto." e dalla foto qui non sembra che Gene ne sia così rattristato!!!


GENE SIMMONS BRINGS STAR POWER TO NAMM (from the orange county register)
Gene Simmons swung his Axe Bass over his shoulder for a few moments. He then switched to the other side. Later, he dropped the bass down, holding a stance.
With each pose, the musician pursed his lips, mugging for the many cameras that bunched around him. Simmons, the co-founder of Kiss, was the first celebrity to make an official appearance to the NAMM Show, a major music products convention that is expecting to draw more than 85,000 people to the Anaheim Convention Center. Simmons came to the media preview event to show off his Axe Bass guitar. The four-day show starts Thursday. The bass guitarist appeared without his signature star-eyed makeup, but he still was there for show in his sunglasses, leather jacket and beige boots.(Simmons also took the time to make fun of this flustered reporter, who mistakenly called his instrument a guitar. “Well, most guys understand this is a bass, not a guitar. Basses have four strings, not six. Take that down,” Simmons told me. “Girls need to get educated.”) Simmons explained that he created the Axe Bass, which he has used for more than 30 years, for his fans who want them. For $5,000, fans can buy a special bass that Simmons will sign. Those buyers also can go to a sound check and backstage at a Kiss concert or special parties where Simmons appears. Less expensive version sell for about $600. More

For more info on the Axe Bass you may read this

Gene Simmons è stato tra i primi ad apparire al NAMM Show quest'anno. Ovviamente per promuovere il suo Axe Bass. Come sempre in giaccca di pelle e occhiali scuri non si è lasciato perdere l'occasione per sfottere i giornalisti (spiagando loro che il basso ha quattro corde e la chiterra ne hai sei..). Per maggiorni dettagli sulle due versioni di Axe BAss potete leggere anche questa intervista.


Barry E. Mallen, an attorney at the law firm of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, is representing Gene Simmons against a complaint filed on December 24, 2009 by Nathaniel Marlowe and Cynthia Manzo arising out of an alleged assault Marlowe and Manzo contend took place the afternoon of December 19, 2009 at the Grove shopping complex in Los Angeles. Mallen described the Complaint filed by Marlowe and Manzo as "opportunistic" and "riddled with distortions and false accusations." The complaint stems from events which occurred after Gene Simmons, Shannon Tweed, his partner of 26 years, and their seventeen year old daughter, Sophie, exited the movie theater at the Grove complex and were accosted by the thin, tall, tattooed Marlowe, who jumped at them and started yelling in their faces. While Simmons and his family attempted to walk away from their pursuer, Marlowe repeatedly converged upon them, while screaming and aiming a small electronic device at them.More


Giustamente Gene Simmons ha attivato una contro causa contro la coppia di idioti che si sono scagliati contro la sua famiglia e sopratutto contro sua figlia nel tantivo di estorcere foto e video mentre i Simmons uscivano da un cinema presso il celebre centro commerciale di L.A. The Grove.



As previously reported past and present members of KISS will be at the next NAMM show in Anaheim, CA. from tomorrow 14 to 17 January 2010. If you are in the area don't miss your chance to meet Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley and Bruce Kulick!!!


Come precedentemente riportato alcuni membri dei KISS di ieri e di oggi saranno tra gli ospiti del prossimo NAMM show che si terrà ad Anaheim, CA. da domani 14 Gennaio 2010 al 17.Se siete in zona non perdete l'occasione di incontrare Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley e Bruce Kulick!!!


KISS night in Livorno with Black Diamonds show and dj set with KISS music.

You are all welcome!!!


Sabato 30 gennaio KISS night @ Babbo rock di Livorno. Show dei Black Diamonds e  sezione musicale dedicata ai KISS ed a tutti i componenti che ne hanno fatto parte. Gradito il trucco ma per chi non avesse tempo di farlo è allestito uno stand per il make up. Orario apertura locale 21.30 ( pre dj set con musica dei KISS), inizio concerto 23.30,fine concerto djset di pane, potta e ... rock 'n' roll

Babbo Rock Via Umbria 3 Livorno Località stagno


TIME TRAVEL WITH GENE&PAUL (from kissinuk.com)  testo in Italiano qui

Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons had been interviewed by UK newspaper "The Sun", last week, highlighting their thoughts on the KISS' discography. Here below is the full round-up album by album.

KISS (1974)
Gene: I no longer had to work for a living. I went on salary, I made 75 dollars a week and I became the richest person in the world. Not only was I in a band, doing everything I wanted, I was getting paid $75 a week! Favourite track: "Deuce"
Hotter Than Hell (1974)
Paul: Difficult second album? No, we were all piss and vinegar at that stage - “If you’d didn’t like the first album, here’s another!” We were releasing them every eight months. Favourite track: "Hotter Than Hell"
Dressed To Kill (1975)
Gene: It was produced by Neil Bogart, our record company president, who couldn’t produce. We started attracting lots of groupies around this time. Mostly, I remember lots of girls. Favourite track: "Two Timer"
Alive! (1975)
Paul: A sonic souvenir of the live show. Was it enhanced? You bet! Who wants to hear a guitar string break every time they put on a song? One week it was gold, the next it was platinum. Our rollercoaster ride had begun.
Destroyer (1976)
Gene: A coming of age, or perhaps just a coming. (Renowned producer) Bob Ezrin kicked us in the butt and made us do a record we couldn’t do on our own. They were our songs and performances - but he brought it out of us. Favourite track: "God Of Thunder"
Rock And Roll Over (1976)
Paul: Many said Destroyer wasn’t raunchy enough for them. So we decided to go back to something a little more basic. It’s a great album but, sonically, the songs didn’t sound like they should have. Favourite track: "I Want You"
Love Gun (1977)
Gene: Eddie Kramer produced but he was more an engineer so we took more control in studio for this one. Ace and Peter started to become very difficult as alcohol and drugs began to take over. Favourite track: "Love Gun"
Alive II (1977)
Paul: The companion piece to Kiss Alive! It couldn’t be an accurate representation of the live set then, there would be too may repeats. Just the gatefold image inside was worth the price alone. To this day, show that image to a band and tell them to top this!
The Solo Albums (1978)
Gene: Our manager’s attempt to keep the band together. Ace and Peter wanted to do their own albums. Ace said: ‘I’m going to sell 10 million albums.” The drugs had taken full hold. Ironically. my favourite is Ace’s. Favourite track (from Gene’s album): "Radioactive"
Dynasty (1979)
Paul: Peter was not up to the task and we had to bring in somebody else (Anton Fig) to play drums. I Was Made For Loving You was an undeniable hit - but we were going down a track it would have been better to avoid. We were lost. Favourite track: "I Was Made For Loving You"
Unmasked (1980)
Gene: Unmasked was my fault. It was a strange period, with pop and dance dominating, and we lost our way. It was also the end for Peter Criss. Anton’s playing drums and the main memory is of protecting the fans from the news that Peter was gone. Favourite track: "You’re All That I Want"
Music From ‘The Elder’ (1981)
Paul: We all bought into Stonehenge and truly thought we were making a masterpiece, but we weren’t - we were masturbating. A bloated, overblown, pompous piece of pap. Favourite track: "I" - because that’s the last one and the album’s over.
Creatures Of The Night (1982)
Gene: The drum sound was my insistence. If any track led to that huge sound, which was recorded in a hall with doors open and the mics on a slight delay, it was "I Love It Loud." I love the title track too. Favourite track: "I Love It Loud"
Lick It Up (1983)
Paul: Creatures was a better album, but we finally took the make-up off for Lick It Up and it sold three or four times as many copies. This was the first step in establishing another persona for the band. Touring without make-up was invigorating, an exciting time. Favourite track: "A Million To One"
Animalize (1984)
Gene: Although I like a lot of the record, I can’t remember any of (new guitarist) Mark St John’s solos. And I was pre-occupied with Hollywood, doing my first movie Runaway for Michael Crichton. My songs weren’t stellar. Favourite track: "Heaven’s On Fire"
Asylum (1985)
Paul: Animalize marked a return to very healthy record sales. We were back. Asylum was a good album but not as good as Animalize. This was (guitarist) Bruce Kulick’s debut. There were a few songs I didn’t even play on, they just weren’t my thing. Favourite track: "Tears Are Falling"
Crazy Nights (1987)
Gene: We were deeply in the out-of-make-up era and on a level playing field with all the other bands. Bruce was in and people showed up on time. No dark drama. This was a prime time for Paul, a very upbeat album. Favourite track: "Crazy Nights"
Hot In The Shade (1989)
Paul: It was very unfocused. A band’s album shouldn’t be an unloading place for everybody’s personal material. But the Hot In The Shade tour was one of the best we’d ever done, really grabbing our past and heritage by the balls. Favourite track: "Silver Spoon"
Revenge (1992)
Gene: One of my favourite albums. This is Kiss reunited with Bob Ezrin, and it’s a very different time from Destroyer. I finally felt comfortable in my own skin too. I stopped playing the Paul game, trying to look pretty with nice hair - I was never very good at that. Favourite track: "Unholy"
Carnival Of Souls (1997)
Paul: Tuning down to D and singing about the darkness of the world when we’re living in mansions in Beverly Hills was a little absurd. We were no more from Seattle than we were from Saturn. Favourite track: "I Will Be There"
Psycho Circus (1998)
Gene: The reunion album but Peter and Ace are hardly on it at all. The same old self-destructive behaviour set in. Psycho Circus is Paul and myself and guest musicians, including Tommy Thayer. Favourite track: "I Pledge Allegiance To The State Of Rock & Roll"
Sonic Boom (2009)
Paul: Now there’s an album! A culmination of everything, good and bad that went before it. It’s a pure, honest album and I couldn’t be more proud of it. We found our way home. Favourite track(s): "Modern Day Delilah" and "Say Yeah".



To celebrate the long awaited new Bruce's CD BK3, DeuceNews and Frontiers Records proudly announce the BK3 contest (for Italian fans only). Three copies of BK3 ready for you to win.


Per festeggiare il ritorno di Bruce Kulick, DeuceNews, con la collaborazione di Fronties Records, vi offre la possibiltà di vincere l'ultimo e attesissimo CD di Bruce, BK3. Tra chi risponderà correttamente verranno sorteggiati tre fortunati che si aggiudicheranno un copia di BK3!!! (vai alla pagina del contest)

Avete tempo fino al 29 di Gennaio, muovetevi!!!



The January issue Rock Hard Italy hosts a nice interview with Bruce Kulick about his forthcoming (29th January) new album BK3 plus a cool reportage by Barbara Caserta about the recent and again unforgettable KISS experience we had following  the Alive 35 Tour last November, below a cool german video special taped in Anaheim when we were there!!!


E' in edicola l'edizione di Gennaio di Rock Hard al cui interno troverete un'intervista a Bruce Kulick in merito al nuovo album, BK3 in uscita il 29 Gennaio su Frontiers Records più un fantastico reportage a cura di Barbara Caserta sulla indimenticabile KISS experience seguendo l'Alive35 Tour lo scorso Novembre, sotto uno speciale della televesione tedesca girato ad Anaheim proprio mentre eravamo la!!! 



Failed (for the time being) the Gene Simmons’ interview why not talking with who has been the one and only person able to portray so well the Demon to have almost replaced him on stage? Spiro and I went through many things KISS and among them the new KISS DVD: "Lots of cool new footage and never before released KISS footage from the early 1970’s that is going to blow you away." Read it all here


Fallita (per il momento) l’intervista a Gene Simmons, perché non parlare con chi è stata la sola e unica persona in grado di impersonare così bene il Demon di averlo quasi sostituito sul palco?Spiro ad io abbiamo parlato di molte cose KISS tra cui il nuov KISS DVD: Ci saranno un sacco di filmati nuovi strafighi e spezzoni mai pubblicati prima dei KISS degli anni ‘70 che vi faranno impazzire." Leggete tutto qui


KISS was featured on the Tuesday, January 5 edition of the ABC News program "Nightline".

Here's the video



Bruce Kulick is proud to announce the first single from BK3. Hand Of The King.

Nick Simmons is featured. Really powerful track.

Nick was “green” as not knowing that much in the studio but he is smart and talented so he adapted and did a stellar performance. Bruce said to DeuceNews.

For an exclusive interview with Bruce Kulick and a complete BK3 review click here


Bruce Kulick è orgoglioso di annunciare il primo singolo tratto da BK3. Hand Of The King, con Nick Simmons alla voce. Nick era totalmente a digiuno in merito a registrare in studio, ma è molto intelligente e ha talento e ha fatto una performance stellare. Ha rivelato Bruce a DeuceNews.

Per una intervista esclusiva con Bruce Kulick e una recensione completa di BK3 andate qui



In an effort to drum up more interest in its recently launched Dr Pepper Cherry, Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. has bought advertising time during Super Bowl XLIV. The purchase marks the first time in the company's 125-year history that Dr Pepper will advertise during the National Football League championship, which will be broadcast by CBS Corp. on Feb 7. The soft-drink maker's commercial for the big game will feature rocker Gene Simmons and his Kiss band mates. Mr. Simmons starred in a Dr Pepper Cherry ad campaign in March, which introduced Dr Pepper Cherry.

In addition Gene Simmons will be appearing on two shows this week. First, on Tuesday
(January 5th), Gene will be on William Shatner's 'Raw Nerve' on the Bio Channel.
Then, on Wednesday (January 6th), Gene will be posing as a store employee on the
CBS prank show 'I Get That A Lot.'


Gene Simmons, nelle vesti di Dr.Pepper, e i KISS appariranno negli spot in programmazione durante il XLIV SuperBowl.

Inoltre Gene sarà in televisione nei prossimi giorni in due programmi USA 'Raw Nerve' su Bio Channel e in 'I Get That A Lot.' della CBS.



Exclusive Pro Shot photo gallery and Tour review

Welcome in 2010 KISS fans!

To salute a new KISS year DeuceNews offers you an amazing, never before seen, Alive35 US Tour Pro Shot pictures gallery; DeuceNews proudly welcome on its pages Barbara Caserta, pro rock journalist and photographer since 1990! Barbara wrote for us a great chronicle review of the recent US Tour leg and gives us almost 100 amazing pictures of our best band, KISS. Enjoy!!!

Benvenuti nel 2010 KISS fans!

Per salutare il nuovo KISS anno, DeuceNews vi offre una incredibile foto galleria di immagine mai pubblicate prima dell'Alive35 US; DeuceNews orgogliosamente da il benvenuto sulle sue pagine a Barbara Caserta, giornalista e fotografa rock professionista dal 1990! Barbara ha scritto un fantastisco articolo sul recente US Tour e ci ha regalato una galleria di quasi 100 foto della nostra band preferita i KISS. Buon divertimento!!!


KISS Official Online Store

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If you like what you see and if you wish to help me improving this webzine-Thanks
